Director: Jerry Zucker
Star(s): Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg and Vincent Schiavelli
Date: 1990
Themes: Ghosts, bereavement, psychic abilities and love.

A comedy about death! Hmm...not the sort of thing you want to see probably. Yet this film did incredibly well but why. Well there was a bit more than comedy in it in fact the death scene is one of the most depressing scenes ever shown on the big screen.

The story is about a couple who are very much in love when Sam dies (Swayze) leaving Molly on her own (Moore). He learns the ins and outs of being a ghost from another ghost on a train and then he gets in contact with a fake psychic (Goldberg) who work together to protect his love.

A sad story of bereavement, love and afterlife which did amazingly well with the help of the Unchained Melody soundtrack

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