Sister Act
Director:Emile Ardolino
Star(s): Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, Mary Wickes and Harvey Keitel
Date: 1992
Themes: Nuns and music

The family film about a las vegas singer (Whoopi Goldberg) who tries to hide from her gangster ex-boyfriend. The police find her the least obvious place - a nunnery! Deloris Van Cartier is now Sister Mary Clarence.

It takes some time for the ex-singer to get used to her new temporary life. After a lack of obedience and patience she is invited to join the terrible choir but instead takes over as teacher. She gets the choir together and they become world famous. They not only attract more people to the church and help the community but they also get to sing to the pope.

A semi-musical where even the serious action is funny. I believe that this is Whoopi Goldberg's best film and will be remembered in many generations to come as the best family film of the early 90s

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